Product Detail

Mombin Herbal Tea

2,000.00 1,500.00

■ Alkalizes the Blood
■ Green Vegetable
■ Maintains and Nourishes Brain Health
• Natural Source of Iron, Phosphorus, Magnesium and Vitamin C
■ Powerful Antioxidant
• Promotes Memory II Promotes Learning and Concentration

DISCLAIMER : (These statements have not been evaluated by NAFDAC)

1. Place one tea bag in a teacup
2. Bring fresh water to a rolling boil
3. Pour boiled water over teabag and brew for 2- 3minutes
4. For maximum benefit, leave tea bag in cup and gently squeeze to release any remaining extract
5. Add pure natural honey to taste if desired

DOSAGE Take one tea cup of warm tea twice daily (in the morning at least an hour before breakfast and at night at least an hour after supper)

CAUTION Do not take with Aspirin Do not take with Antimalaria medication

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